
“For our sake and for the sake of generations to come” Building a green future – Shikun & Binui working with the Community Our goal is to lead in the community as we lead in the business sector Three years ago, when we began implementing the vision of a sustainable living environment, we decided that the focus of our community relations activities would be environmental education . Our goal is to raise awareness and an affinity to environmentalism among members of the young generation by adopting community projects that have a significant and continued influence. In the context of our activities we are applying our strengths and professional abilities for the benefit of the community. We made an excellent start with the strong support of our management and the great enthusiasm shown by employees and volunteers, as well as their children. Our successes in the field and the gratitude shown by the educational teams have been both moving and encouraging. We view the advancement of green education for the next generation as both a personal and national mission – because this place belongs to us all. Children and teenagers are the best ‘ambassadors of change’ and the varied projects that we run with them and for them were intended to make a difference. This difference needs to be felt not only within the school yard, but also within wider circles of influence - now and in the future. It should encompass the children’s families and immediate environment, their future career choices and their future activities. Hillary Rodham Clinton was inspired by the African proverb ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ and used it as the title of her famous book. That wise proverb can inspire us all. Clinton wrote: “The networks of relationships we form and depend on are our modern- day villages, but they reach well beyond the city limits.” We believe that by encouraging a greater number of aware and dedicated partners, we’ll increase the chances of a better future for ourselves and for future generations. Limor Shako VP Human Resources 3